Let's get working
to Transform
Your Hunting
Property into a
Deer Factory
HS360 Full Circle Enhanced Virtual Coaching & Hunting Strategy service.
The purpose and primary focus of this virtual service will be to help further the personal hunting success for any small/medium size property landowner who has been working their habitat plan for a minimum of 3+ years. HS360 Full Circle virtual Plan Coaching & hunting strategy service is for landowners regardless of who did their plan, one of their hunting habitat friends or it can be their own personal design or from a professional in the habitat improvement industry.
Occasionally I will provide tours on my property, where you can see up close and touch what 40 plus years of habitat management looks like, check my Facebook page for announcements on the next tour.
Case Study Jenn Sequin
Transforming Backyard Hunts: A Journey with Jake at Habitat Solutions 360
So thankful for the guidance from Jake at Habitat Solutions 360! We own 80 wooded acres in mid-Michigan. We are surrounded by farm fields, and it is a high-pressure area with many gun season hunters. We have 3 boys who all enjoy hunting as does my husband and I, and of course every hunter wants to shoot a mature buck, but it’s pretty cool to do it in your own backyard.

Customer stories
In 2013 Jake’s Farm was
Certified by the QDMA
as the First “Legacy Land” in Michigan
Would you like your property to achieve the status of a 'Legacy Lands'? We know what it takes to achieve and maintain one of the very few Legacy Lands in Michigan.

states I’ve worked in

North Dakota
South Dakota
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina
Habitat learning center
Travel Corridors
Once you’ve done your hinge cutting, screening and planting food plots you need to think about travel corridors. Some of them, in fact most of them, are…
Read MoreFoods Plots
Foods Plots Before and after freshly planted ground hog radish in background with soy beans on the left. Planting 8 weeks apart stages the food production for…
Read MoreHinge Cutting
Open woodlots, with little if any understory is not a secure habitat for deer to bed and spend time. Hunters are not the only predators that deer…
Read MoreHabitat Solutions 360, LLC FAQ’s